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Ihr KölnerLeben-Team

National Theatre London: Best of Enemies

Donnerstag, 18.05.2023, 19.30 Uhr

Englisches Theater im Filmpalast Köln

David Harewood (Homeland) and Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) play feuding political rivals in James Graham's (Sherwood) multiple award-winning new drama. In 1968 America, as two men fight to become the next president, all eyes are on the battle between two others: the cunningly conservative William F. Buckley Jr., and the unruly liberal Gore Vidal. During a new nightly television format, they debate the moral landscape of a shattered nation. As beliefs are challenged and slurs slung, a new frontier in American politics is opening and television news is about to be transformed forever. Jeremy Herrin (All My Sons) directs this blistering political thriller, filmed live in London's West End.

Ab 18 €, Karten: 27 25 77 17

Cineplex Filmpalast Köln
Hohenzollernring 22
50672 Köln
Tel. 02 21 / 27 25 77 17

Tags: Film